Thursday, February 17, 2011

Does Everyone Get The Hiv Rash

must wake up, spring is coming

while since I was not here, we must tidy up, dust wipe, spring because soon:)
completed knitting project yet, a crimson sweater still being finalized, the sleeves are connected by a third. And invented on the run from unidentified vests yarn related only to the neck (to be raglan top). And on it I want to try painting with tea and coffee, because the true color is painfully unattractive, pale yellow-green, brrr. Somehow I came across two kilograms of pure wool poisonous green. I, without thinking twice, boil them in a solution of soap, receiving thread delicate golden brown. The result was very pleased. So think about it - whether painting, or boil?
About a thread. Pantry replenished VITA BRILLIANT, green and cream-colored (see post below), and another VITA CORONA - crimson, I just bought additional, fearing that the sweater is not enough, but now enough with the excess. And the sweater, and even then zhiletik will relate to the black turtleneck.

Since knitted finished no better show my boys murchalok, in April, senior - Simon Black will be a year, and in May a year - gray cache. We took them from the same family of cats cousins, mothers and daughters. Sikes, as the eldest, priglyadyvaet for Keshka and always nastuchit at him, if he sees how he eats the telephone wire, or climbs into the sink. They live peacefully and rarely argue, love to look after each other, lick ears and muzzle.

That's all the news for now. Hopefully in the near future time show the finished knitting projects:) All good mood and light loops.