Diagnose is not only a disease, but objects to be repaired and reconstructed. "Why?" - Asked some. Suppose you started a repair and has already hired a team of craftsmen. At one time it was held by my mother in law and I do not know firsthand what kind of "song" often give birth to maintenance crews. Cursorily inspected your home, solid (and not) my uncle gravely told that, in addition to fully dismantle the cover sex, it is necessary to bring down all the old ties, to change the wiring, etc. It sounds very convincing, but for such work impossibly exorbitant price, and you begin look for other "specialists".

They certainly are. And it offered to shoot down only revealed their hill, and screed lightly podremontirovat. Exist a third, which will prove that none of this do not have enough to align all the plywood on the Screw (new technology). Who is right? Also, note all produce the estimate by eye.
So, to determine exactly what to break, and what to build, can help diagnosis. Diagnosis is needed in order to get clear, detailed understanding of the construction problem in general and in particular. With the diagnosis can determine whether to change the struts heating, safe I leave the old wiring, or it must be redone, but still - what wall "collapses", and what does not, is there a crack. Among other things, you're up Up to 90%, set future costs of construction materials.
Apartments, like people, are different. Modern houses are built on a pretty good engineering projects. Old there is more problems. Not all the planes in the flat rough, not all partitions need to tear down even with redevelopment. Some walls have "heaps", some - not. Often, after the diagnosis turns out that, for example, styazhechnye work must be carried out locally, only in "wet" premises, that is an area of \u200b\u200b5 square. m rather than 40 square meters. m supposed to do so. This will significantly reduce paper costs - styazhechnye of the average estimated $ 8 per 1 sq. km. m, dismantling - $ 04.02 per 1 sq. km. m).
diagnosis will reduce the repair time, save roughing and finishing interior materials. Relying on its results, you can determine what class artists to invite to stay within your existing amount (that is, the tolerances in terms of Quality you agree). Also before the start of work will become clear to decide whether the existing problems of decorative design methods, or you will probably need help engineer.

So where do I begin? First, before you go to any company, the customer must formulate their demands, to determine what he would like to see the apartment after the repair. Secondly, the firm conducting the diagnosis, must have a license. Often such services are provided by organizations providing technical oversight and quality control of construction works, as well as carrying out the examination has already performed work. Specialists who came to the facility must be equipped with relevant high-precision instruments and equipment, have knowledge of both traditional and emerging technologies and materials. Experts make the necessary measurements using laser or water devices (so-called tier diagnostics), conduct spot cuts and zasverlivaniya in walls and ceilings (if needed).
The results of the Work should be a detailed report containing an objective assessment of your home. It should include:
description of the current state of the apartment. Here should reflect the precise geometric parameters of the planes, the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, changing the heights of ceilings and floors on the perimeter of the premises, the state windows, doorways, communications (ventilation, drainage, water supply, heating), the presence of leaks.
expert assessment of the condition. Conclusion about the suitability or unsuitability of old products, materials, constructions, life support systems. Based on the above two paragraphs, and in accordance with your wishes, firms engaged in the diagnosis, can give advice on how to dismantle walls, floors, etc., as well as on ways of raising new walls to certain criteria of quality and bound to a new building tasks, the new layout, new finish.
All these components are accompanied by engineering drawings (plans) that are sure to remain with you after the diagnosis. This is a complete drawing with detailed obmerochny of painting the rooms areas of walls, floors, ceilings, windows meters of slopes, which are to be processed. It is also a plan, which bears the digital coefficients quality of existing planes. Drawings and plans show the presence of "bubbles", "pits," blockages "(with the deviation from the plane).
get it all, You will be able to correctly assess the extent of future repair works. It is not excluded that you otherwise have imagined state of walls and ceilings flat and assumed that a simple "cosmetic" will be enough. Perhaps, on the contrary, the walls will be much stronger and smoother than you thought. Depending on this need a different set of repair services.
Builders are advised to order diagnostic facilities by independent organizations that can not be bound with further repairs. In this case, it will be responsible for the proper conduct of expert activities. But you must prepare to the fact that you hired the builders will be unhappy with the results of "alien" status, and your perseverance. Nothing can be done, other levers of influence the contractor, but awareness of the repair work and money, you do not. Speaking of money. Services of an independent firm will cost about $ 200, depending on from the flat area.
should also be borne in mind that, turning in one direction or another organization to carry out repairs, you will inevitably enter into a relationship "customer-contractor". If the repair does not require redevelopment, refurbishment of engineering systems and limited finishing work (to put it simply - "cosmetics"), you concludes with a brigade of workers consumer work contract (Art. 732 CC RF). If the assumed global alteration (the dismantling of barriers, the transfer of bathroom fixtures etc.), then your repair falls under the definition of construction contract (Art. 743, 744 Civil Code).
It is important to know that the agreement on domestic contract may be and shall be valid without the enclosed design and technical documentation. Contract as a construction contract without the project and estimate and technical documentation shall be void in case of a conflict situation will have no effect as a document. Hence the conclusion: without a diagnosis difficult determine the contract on a row you will then conclude with the builders.
Alain Kupriyanov
Source: www.nrn.ru
Media Partner: The company on repair of apartments "Rembrigada.ru in Moscow and Moscow region " Rembrigada.ru " stock discounts consultation on renovation and improvement of your home.
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