Sunday, May 30, 2010

Are Ball Gags Uncomfortable

main items for calculating the cost of repairs in the apartment

plan to repair the apartment, but how to calculate the cost for repair? What is included in the total amount of maintenance per square meter, of course, determined of certain types of work, a list of major works conducted during repair.

- Dismantling works. Dismantling a set of works in the apartment to dismantle the walls, ceilings, walls, and old floor coverings "dismantling Ties" old plaster on the walls and ceiling, "the dismantling of the plaster." Also to the dismantling work is the dismantling of windows and doors, removal of old obsolete wallpaper, tiles, etc. When repairs are in the process of dismantling the apartment is the first and an integral part of the repair.

- Electrical installation work (electrical installation) strip the wire cable and installation of sockets switches, electrical panel installation, assembly machines.

- Erection of walls (walls are mainly conducted in an open-plan apartments - new)

- Plumbing (complex to assembly and installation of sanitary sewer and water communications) Install plumbing consumers such as bath, shower shower, heated towel rail, sink - Moidodir, mixers, etc.) one to use works for any apartment repair

- Plastering, organized by during repair (work on alignment of walls and ceilings are plaster category)

- Screed floor mandatory (lining the floor with cement sand screed, fast setting self-leveling floor screed or dry lining using Sukhovo filler and assembly of gypsum fiber panels)

- Putty walls ceilings (Refer to the category of painting, coating ceiling wall 2-3 layers including a finishing putty) if necessary, addition is sizing the walls and ceiling Glass is the same "spider»

- sheetrock installation designs (GCR drywall installation, construction of plasterboard a simple kind of direct GCR designs, sophisticated curved design, plasterboard construction with open and closed portals for lighting and other)

- Primer walls and ceilings (a mandatory procedure after each layer deposition of a finishing material, before painting, before veneer laying tile, before pasting wallpapers, etc)

- painting the ceiling and, if necessary, and the walls (Spray coat twice and, if necessary three layers that uncommon when painting a ceiling walls)

- Covering Wallpaper (category painting) required attribute when performing various repair wallpaper types of paper, vinyl, non-woven, wallpaper for painting, silk screening, decorative wallpaper, etc., respectively, the price for this type of work depends on the category oboev.

- Ukladka shallow (poverhnostey facing wall or skirt shallowness, zatirka shvov shallow) or variant ukladka without shovnoy shallow

- Ukladka laminate parketnoy planks or parquet (assembly and installation of floor plinths)

- Assembly and installation of doors in the doorways prepared (inset locks installed when required FLEXINVEST, assembly casings)

- Installation of lighting, installation of lighting fixtures (chandeliers, lamps, sconces)
main items for costing repairs in the apartment. All information is provided by repair and construction activities and site of apartment renovation

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building materials for cosmetic and repair flats

When capital and cosmetic repair of apartments reservation in key positions repair and finishing material for the last period of time with 2009 - 2010 year.
most common position in the building material for repair. Lists of building and finishing material used for Repair of apartments, master list of building materials for repair and rehabilitation of apartments.

- Primer "miners" deep penetration interior

- Drywall Knauf moisture resistant (1,0 cm - 1,2 cm)
Moisture resistant drywall - a kind of drywall for rooms with high content humidity, differs from conventional drywall special cardboard impregnated impregnated composition. Moisture-resistant gypsum board has a of hydro-and anti-fungal agents.
Waterproof plasterboard can be used just like regular gypsum in the buildings, provided ventilation, while protecting the front surface of the leaf moisture-resistant gypsum board, protection for moisture-resistant gypsum are: water-resistant primers, paints, polyvinyl chloride, ceramic tile.

Moisture-resistant drywall, as well as normal gypsum, produced according to GOST 6266-97. Plasterboard sheets are produced on modern French equipment, subject to all environmental regulations.
basis for moisture-resistant drywall and plasterboard is used for conventional plaster.
through technological characteristics of gypsum plasterboard sheet, made on its basis, has the ability to breathe, that is, absorb excess moisture and give it to the surrounding Wednesday at lack. Gypsum is used to make simple and moisture-resistant drywall - it is nonflammable, flame retardant, it is not toxic, has acidity, is approximately equal to the acidity of human skin. Environmentally friendly. To achieve the required strength and density of gypsum in the gypsum plasterboard sheet, it adds components that enhance its performance characteristics.

- Profiles (27-28 and 27-60) corner painting galvanized lighthouse 0,6
- A mixture of plaster "Rodband" Firm manufacturer Knauf »
- Betokontakt" Miners »
- self-leveling floor" miners "fast setting of 30-80 mm
- Web steklovoloknonnaya different densities
- Glue for glass fiber Oscar »
- Shtaplevka" Vetonit »LR +
- Finishing shatlevka" Shitrok "professional
- Clay tile various grades of manufacturers depending on the requirements
- Paint «Dulux» to paint the ceiling
- Paint for the walls "Tikkurila»
- Desktop different species, including the under painting
- Flooring (Laminitis, flooring, tiles, parquet) floor plinth
- Doors from different manufacturers
- window (from the vendor design manufacturer )
- Outlets and switches «LEGRAND»

most basic and frequently used the position of construction material to repair the flat. Assist in the selection and delivery building material to the object carries the company on repair of apartments all complete and accurate information about repair, visit the site house apartments
most common position of building material for repair of flats for the 2009 - 2010 год

Friday, May 14, 2010

How Know If Verruca Has Gone

What to know about repairing the customer

Today's repair - business complex. Qualified professionals, using modern materials, technologies and equipment can solve almost any problem. Like a mighty Genie of Aladdin's magic lamp, they are able to erect a fairy palace in the place of the dilapidated huts, if not overnight, then at least a few months. However, the implementation of more or less complex construction projects (such as major repairs of the apartment, or office renovation) must take into account several important factors. To let a significant but reasonable investments do not become unmanageable squandering your money, but the end result did not disappoint expectations and match expended in its efforts to obtain. Repairs - a thin process, consisting from the set of interrelated transactions, each of which affects the final result and, in turn, contains a number of important details.
Correct choice of technology for a particular work, selection, purchase and delivery of materials for its implementation, literacy sequence of works and interaction between experts in the exact observance of the technological cycle - all of it is rather difficult, and without having to spend time, money and effort eliminate errors and endless rework. In this article we want to talk about some important rules of planning and carrying out repairs and the most common errors.
1. Stage of thinking and planning
Contrary to popular belief, the stage of thinking about and planning for future repairs is critical role in that and at what price you get in the end. At this stage you should answer the many questions that will determine the further course of the entire work. Here it is better not to hurry and not to proceed with the implementation of subsequent phases, while you will not have a clear and a clear idea of: what, why and how you're doing. Than less you will have uncertainties "about" and various "blind spots", the sensible and correct, you can spend your time and money. By end of this stage you should have a holistic view on the future of the interior, rather than fragmented mosaic of the prettiest of its fragments. Of course, This does not mean that we can neglect the study of details, but it is important to ensure their harmonious combination within a single concept.
At this point you can go in two ways: entirely rely on their strength and flavor or to recruit an interior designer. If you chose the first way, then, without consulting experts you still can not do. Rather, you yourself have become a specialist. Take your time and effort - walk around the building exhibitions, find out in detail from sellers properties of the material has interested you, please call the repair and construction firms and professionals to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of all technologies that are you going to use, buy magazines and study them carefully (especially recommend the magazine "Ideas For Your Home"). If you decide to hire an interior designer, it is important to do it right.
First, a person must be a practitioner, not a freelance artist. He must be able not only to generate highly images, but also be clear - both technologically implement this or that idea. Necessary knowledge of the properties of materials and processes, at least in general terms.
Secondly, it should offer you a holistic concept of the interior, rather than focus attention to its individual elements. Remember that you will live and work in the created space, but not be visitors to the museum of architectural innovations. The interior should be functional and aesthetic needs to be part of this function, not vice versa. Precede the designer practical, everyday tasks and seek their solutions.
Thirdly, it is important not only to get from the designer thought out and complete the project but also to attract him to cooperate at all for work. Covenant with him on field supervision. If you are sure that you have chosen a good person - trust him. As a professional, he can better imagine the results of the implementation of an idea in your decor and help you avoid many mistakes, and thus save you money. Eventually you will win, and with the right approach, more than justify the cost of paying a specialist interior designer.
Regardless of whether what path you choose for yourself, it is important before starting to have researched the project in detail. You must have not only the architectural solution and an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat material will be finished with your premise, but also have the scheme of placement of furniture, household equipment, with reference to them Electric communications, water, etc. If the kitchen is installed dishwasher, so in the appropriate place should be electric socket, there should be supplied water and provided for drainage. Where will be the TV, should be concluded television antenna and power outlets for videos. It is these little things and create a real quality of repair, save your time, nerves and money.
2. Contractor selection
Now, when you have a full-fledged project the future of the interior, you have to choose someone who make it a reality. It is obvious that the correctness of this choice depends on a lot. There are so You can go several ways: hiring individuals and to serve as superintendent and suppliers, "strike hands with a comprehensive free-lance brigade, or to contract with repair and construction company.
first option seems initially quite attractive, since some promise saving money - you do not have to pay for the superintendent, suppliers and other professionals to ensure and control the entire process. Yes and his own watchful eye, supervise the progress of work should ensure the proper quality of their performance.
Allow once to assure you of illusion such representations. Even if you're ready for a few months to quit my job and devote himself exclusively to repair, you are unlikely to succeed in saving and quality. Building materials market is vast and varied. Understand him as a man ignorant extremely difficult. To buy a really high-quality product at a truly reasonable price, you need to do this all the time, feel the market dynamics, have appropriate communication and deliverables, to know the features properties of similar materials made by different manufacturers. In short, there must be a professional. Otherwise, buying plasterboard Kuban instead of Krasnogorsk, or Podolsk dry mix instead Biruliovsky, you risk to buy material intended for entirely different purposes than you planned. About personal control over the progress and quality of work, too, can make a lot of doubts. Modern manufacturing processes require a truly deep expertise, and you will just have to hope for competence and integrity you have hired workers to repair the end does not start down from the walls of cracked plaster and shift swollen parquet. Over the course of construction works should be competent engineering controls. Field supervision of the artist's interior there will be enough if your designer, of course, is both a qualified builder and is not ready to be present at the site permanently.
Working with an integrated team depends largely on the quality of its composition and competence of the foreman. Here important to determine the number of significant moments. Typically, the complex consists of a team of 4-5 people.
Ask what the construction professions has each of its members and what specific work brigade intends to commission a particular employee. Stroll through the entire list of proposed works and a clear understanding for themselves who and what you will do. Combination of such specialties as a carpenter and parquet layer, painter, tiler and plasterer, electrician and plumber. If you will be notified that the brigade all are able to do everything - it is better to abstain from such services. Miracles of nature do not happen.
Find out which tool has a team, do everything you need. Pay attention to the ratio of men and women in the brigade. Construction work - hard, physical work related including material handling and transport of other heavy objects.
sure to talk with the foreman of the intricacies of various technologies (Pre-prepared and to understand them myself). Do not hesitate to arrange a test - do you trust these people to serious work, and expensive materials. If you use a designer on field supervision, making it a choice of teams.
strongly recommended to request the brigadier software object "draft" materials (giving him the money under the account) and to agree with him about his involvement in the choice of finishing. In any case, this option require you to vigilant monitoring of the work and spend your money.
If you are unable to frequent the facility, ask the foreman daily telephone report on the state of affairs. When working with individual professionals, and working with integrated team, the important question may be security. Be sure to take in your work and home telephone numbers before being allowed them to work, call and make sure - who and under what conditions lives there. If you're dealing with a team from out of town, living in a rented apartment, be sure to talk to the landlord. Feel free to collect from your employees passport data.
If you chose to work with the repair and construction company, you can relax a little. Of course, there also important not to make the wrong choice and not to let the process take its course. However, the main difference between the construction company from individuals and labor collectives lies in the fact that its administrative and management personnel assume the solution of problems associated with your repairs. You do not have to wrestle with what material, where to buy, delve into the intricacies of technological nuances, to engage more thousands of big and small issues. You simply pay your money and get expected result. Provided, of course, that you have chosen a decent contractor.
There are several important criteria for selection of repair and construction firm.
First, if your intention is repairs of the apartment or office, rather than reconstruction of the building, I choose not too big a company with bloated management staff and lots of orders. This guarantees you enough attention to your object at all levels of the management structure of the organization. It should not, of course, involve small organizations to implement large-scale projects. Firm size should correspond to the volume of your order.
Secondly, we should pay attention to the quality of training your contractor for design and construction documents, but at this point we discuss in detail in the next chapter of our article.
Thirdly, it is best to seek advice from the company and ask them to demonstrate a number of projects have already implemented it. If (As might be the case with private apartments) to visit the facilities put into operation will be hard to, you should get acquainted with the objects that is currently in operation. With some of even this option is preferable, because allows you to directly acquainted with the work of the organization. Pay attention to the technologies, equipment, materials, working on-site specialists, as far as scope of work is maintained in order. All this will give you a more accurate picture of the company, rather than ready-made object, where everything is sleek and concealed finish, and unshaven, and not quite sober workers has long served in the remotest corners of the CIS. Be sure to check - who would be directly involved in the organization of work at your facility and talk with this man personally.
3. Prices and terms
should immediately make clear that each repair can be accomplished in a specified period and for a certain amount. Like Just as the car is capable to drive a certain distance, at a cost of required amount of time and fuel. You will hardly believe, if you promise transport from Moscow to Vladivostok on the machine for a couple of hours expended with 10 liters of gasoline? It is not necessary to believe and what, if you are told that major repairs your two-bedroom apartment will take three weeks and will cost you $ 5000, including all materials. How would you not want to believe it is simply impossible. Repairs - the same process as the movement of the car. It has a speed limit, and in order to accomplish each volume of work required spend the necessary amount of funds. The question is, how to invest enough money and not pay more than they should. One of the most common Customer errors of construction works - the deal on inherently unrealistic conditions. This ultimately leads to cost overruns and Delays, sometimes quite significantly.
course, that any contractor before beginning work should give you a price. This is one of the key moments. By the way, in what form and how much you called it is important to determine not only the correctness of generated estimates and the reality of planned expenditures, but and the very ability of the contractor accomplish its work.
Options assess the cost of repair "for square meter" we seriously consider will not dwell on the discussion of this form of representation "of design and estimate documentation" will not. A competent specialist should begin drafting estimates without making exact measurements of the future project without further study of the project and not listening to your wishes. If the price is said to you over the phone, after a ten- conversation - this should alert you. Competent specialist would not talk about the cost, without seeing the front of work and not spend a few days to develop and a thorough reconciliation of the budget documentation.
second important aspect is the presentation of your estimates. The present construction cost estimates should include popozitsionny list of all operations performed (preferably - separately for each room) and a similar list of materials required to perform these operations. Each item is assessed separately, with an indication of this operation and its specific value. This not only accurately assess whether all the necessary included in the estimates, but also help in solving any disputes. Immediately evident: what and how much is done, what to do and how much it costs. If as you stretch the budget tetrad leaf on which is written in pencil "Plaster - $ 200; Malyarka - $ 150, Tile - $ 250; Plumbing - $ 300 "... It is better not to focus on the final amount as to something quite significant. Before you, the estimates should be explored extremely carefully.
general should be aware that a potential contractor for the benefit initially underestimate the cost of repairs - to gain an advantage over competitors and persuade you to a deal. Each repair is worth the money, and if you offer to make him suspiciously cheap, it is likely you just cheat, hoping to squeeze "of you additional funds already in progress. Or you will not receive the expected level of quality, because each Specialist is also worth the money and will not perform work at a price below its real value. And probably - and then, and more. So do not take the time to make sure that the estimate does include all the necessary work and materials.
If the fixed cost estimates for each operation challenge the impossible and the contractor is obliged to perform it for that amount, you get free to make "forgotten" in the estimates of work or purchase materials you nobody can. As a result, in the process of repairing the initial price may be "unexpected" increase in the number of times. Even if you refuse to work with an unscrupulous contractor, and hire to complete the work of another - you still lose time and money. Builders reluctantly take up the debugging someone else's work and ask for it more expensive than repair "from scratch".
Returning to the statement, taken as an epigraph to this article, I want to say that what be careful not been preparing design estimates, one must always be prepared for some increase in the cost of repair and the timing of its implementation. In the construction and repair works sometimes have different and quite objective unforeseen circumstances and difficulties, the elimination of which requires both time and money. This applies particularly to repair old buildings, built on obsolete technologies and have a greater degree of cushioning wear. Here you can often encounter with the latent defects, to determine the presence of which was only possible in the process works. In any case, we do not advise you in advance appoint housewarming next day after putting the object of the treaty. Better define the date near the end of repair.
4. Current control and participation in
It goes without saying that no matter how competent was not your contractor and how thoroughly would not have been drafted, it is without your participate in the repair process do not succeed. Yes, and you yourself would not want to leave the investment completely unattended and completely withdraw from the formation of shape your future home.
It is important to correctly identify the nature and extent of your participation - on the one hand, "keep a finger on the pulse" On the other hand, does not encumber itself redundant by immersion in issues the opportunity to not delve into who you are, in fact, paid. If you are working with individual professionals, you have to go into literally everything. To publish a full list of problems and issues that you will encounter will require volume of several typed pages. You'll have to make a schedule and adhere to the schedule it supplies, to decide questions about the application a technology to allow the inevitable conflicts that arise at the junction of the interests of workers who perform various operations ... In short, you have to really manage the entire process of your repair and learn to practice at least two construction specialty - the superintendent and a supply. From your success in the development of these professions, and will ultimately depend on the quality and cost of your repairs. Here, we can not really tell you about something concrete, as any advice will not help you to avoid all possible errors. We can only advise not to use this option for an integrated repair and use it only when you are going to make cosmetic repairs or in part without too much difficulty. And yet. Try to hire really high quality and well-paid professionals - in this case, it only saves you money.
When working with an integrated team your circle of problems significantly shrink. Especially if the foreman agrees to serve as a supply. It was dominated by a fairly simple rule: one customer - one contractor. This means that, with your hand, and by the team, there must be one and only one authorized representative. In no way be directly, bypassing the foreman to give any instructions and tasks to the workers. Likewise, it is inconceivable that someone other than you personally, could give any instructions on repairs. We strongly recommend not limited to anything verbal agreement and commit everything on paper. Initially be composed of high-quality construction estimates, or accounting (see paragraph 3 of "The prices and terms) and a contract that specifies all the nuances your relationship with the team. In the repair process is very useful to keep at the facility overall notebook, which will be credited to all tasks, assignments and changes arising in progress. Even if these documents will not have a major legal force, they can significantly help you address various controversial issues will help avoid ambiguity and create a sense of responsibility of the contractor for compliance with your agreements.
Quality control is better to process operations. You should not crawl under a hand builders, when they do their job. By doing this you are unlikely posposobstvuete quality improvement - quite the contrary. Better agree in advance with the foreman of the end of each operation and check the quality of its performance in the final form. Particular attention should be the hidden and preparatory work - on the literacy of their performance in the most dependent outcome. If your site is waterproofing, - Be sure to check the quality of its performance before it will be hidden by subsequent studies. When checking the quality of performance of masonry, tie or plaster do not hesitate to use the level and plumb.
sure to ask questions if you need something clear and achieve clear answers. Even if you really can not control the quality of the work properly, everything is set up your work on a serious scale and will protect against the temptation hide the marriage. But remember: all of your questions should be addressed to the foreman and the only answers you should only receive from him.
Avoid prepayment works. Since working with teams is difficult to do without some advance should observe a few simple rules. First, prior to the actual work, no benefits (except for supplies) are not produced. Secondly, the advance should not exceed the cost of actually executed works and 30% of the total cost of operation. Third, pay at the end of each operation must not exceed 80% of its value - the remainder is paid only after passing the whole object. Always remember that at any moment you may find yourself in a situation where work and material is flawed, much of the money paid, and the workers have disappeared or are simply unable to pay you damages.
If the contractor you choose to repair and construction company, your job reduced, mainly to control your financial relationship. Of course, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the site and make sure everything goes as it should. Warning signs may be a work stoppage or reduction in the number of workers involved in the repair. In this case, you should immediately request explanation from the contractor. It is worth of operational and quality control, but in the absence of you have enough time to implement it is not so required. It should also strictly observe the rule of one client - one contractor. Originally defined, with any of the officials you will solve all the problems and solve them only and only with him. Of course, should provide and what the customer once you have the authority to make decisions. Since repair and construction companies are free to decide questions of ensuring their facilities general building materials, here you will not have No problems. With regard to selection of finishing materials, it is reasonable to take this advice from your contractor or designer.
5. Acceptance of work
's long-awaited moment. All work is completed and the contractor tells you that he is ready for commissioning. How to take the job? What to look for?
First of all, acceptance of works should be undertaken only in a clean, adorned the room. The object must be released from building debris. Tools and equipment builders should be removed. You must pass an object the one who directly supervised the repair process - foreman integrated brigades or engineer, who oversaw work on behalf of a construction organization. If you used the services of an interior designer on Copyright supervision, then he too should be present at the handover.
By the time of acceptance of work the contractor can make an act of reconciliation of settlements in which The actual amount of work performed, costs of materials and other costs. This document will serve as the basis for final settlements, and requires no less attention than the original estimate. Are allowed in this act of extra work caused by the need eliminate hidden defects or executed directly on your behalf. If the act of reconciliation unexpectedly found "neglected" in the original osmechivanii work, you are quite right to demand explanations from the contractor about this. Of course, totally unacceptable is to increase contractor unit prices for an operation if it is not dictated by its increased complexity, and not previously agreed with you.
We will not stop on finishing works, quality assessment which is done visually. Here everything is quite obvious and requires no special comment. We note only that All painted surfaces must be painted evenly, joints wallpaper should not clearly visible from a distance of 3 steps, paint coatings should be based on smoothly and do not have foreign matter. When prostukivanii tiles under it should not be detected voids (especially the floor tiles) joints between the tiles should have the same thickness and have been carefully erased. Necessary to test the water and sink, make sure that the shut-off cranes, cover all the highways. You should also check the electrical networks. Make it easy, using any electrical appliance, which sequentially connected to each outlet. Particular attention should be paid to the work of earth - this is you must show the contractor with tester. Job type mains (TV aerial and telephone numbers) can also check with a tester or by connecting the appropriate devices. Switches lighting must work gently (with finishing works in the mechanism can get dust). Doors and windows should open and close easily without squeaks. Parquet the same should not squeak when walking. Roll flooring should lie flat, while walking should not feel bumps and swellings. Overhead Nut, connecting disparate floor coverings must be tight and are attracted not "pop" when they attack.
All your comments must be in writing recorded. According to the results of initial delivery and acceptance of work shall be in a defective statement, signed by both customer and contractor. Based on this document are defined terms of removing all comments, and if you can not eliminate them - and how the compensation for the observed defects.

Conclusion In this article we have tried to touch all the highlights of the organization of construction works by the customer, reflect the most typical mistakes and talk about how to prevent them. We hope that our recommendations are based on long experience in organizing such works can help you save your money, time, and will save your nerves.
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expect the cost of building materials

say straight away that calculate the exact cost building materials and their cost is extremely difficult, even a professional. It is therefore worth considering the experience of experts and after calculating the approximate cost to add another 15-20% in case of repair of old facilities and 25% if this new development. This will be the real price of your repair. But this does not mean that you do not need will carry out preliminary calculations.
If you do not want to go to construction companies, and intend to make repairs on their own, then you first must make a plan for your renovation project. To do this as accurately as possible to conduct measurements of the repair facilities. To your surprise Specialist may find many unexpected nuances to you and advise how to minimize waste (in some firms, this free service, in others it is somewhat hundred rubles).
To more accurately calculate the cost of building materials, refer to the professionals. Sometimes better to pay for advice, what then "Bite your elbows." The first thing to calculate the cost of "crude" materials, ie, those required for preparatory works.
Plasters, putty, primer, dry mixtures, adhesives (wallpaper, tile), wires, plumbing pipes and valves, nails, and others. Next
should start raschetuotdelognyh materials. These we attribute:
linoleum, parquet, flooring, carpet, skirting, suspended ceilings, decorative coating, decorative panels, wallpaper, doors, PVC windows, plumbing equipment, electric outlets, tiles, and other
To calculate the number of finishing materials like wallpaper, carpet, tile, linoleum need to very carefully measure the room to focus on niches, arches, near the window and naddvernye space. Buying materials, be sure to take with you your project plan, otherwise there is the risk of buying a lot of superfluous, and even worse lack of finishing materials.
When purchasing wallpaper or linoleum patterned necessarily inquire how the dock on the picture will depend on consumption. The same advice we can give and those who are going buy ceramic tiles with a large pattern. It is no secret that the plain materials will cost you less, but you can vary the premises borders.
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features of construction materials market in Moscow

In large, rapidly growing cities such as Moscow, there is a continuing need for enormous amount of construction material. Huge demand gives rise to a considerable number of proposals, which in turn is the cause of very advanced Market of construction materials and services.
What's special construction markets of big cities? What are the specifics of building materials market in Moscow?
At its heart is an enormous need for materials needed for the construction of building frames, panels PVHi MDF, laminate, ceramic tile, building smesyahi etc. Several companies specialize in a narrow range of material supplied and thus able to hold this market segment under its control, than that in turn create some difficulties for entrepreneurs average.
But even in these approaches have weaknesses. The inhabitants of Moscow are not uncommon want to have the exclusive building materials that do not require large supplies. There is and can win the average entrepreneur with more opportunities respond quickly to changing demand and market fluctuations. Large suppliers are more inert. Moscow is just the place where it can be claimed by all most modern and advanced in this field.
niche for medium-sized businesses, as time and becomes the part of consumers that wants to get something special. Interior fit, becoming more refined and unique, requires a supply of small batches of materials, which in turn does not attract major suppliers and free niche for small and medium-sized businesses that are able to offer a wide range of building materials when possible get the goods in small quantities. This is an opportunity to enter the competition, even in a big city like Moscow.
spread of prices and quality the building materials market is not always sensible and often just not justified. With a high competitive level, the market of construction materials in Moscow, is simply unacceptable, such an attitude to work. Successful and productive future may have only one entrepreneur who is responsible and after careful consideration would apply to their own reputation.
Sometimes the pursuit of cheapness is fundamental in the choice of building materials and is inherent and consumers in Moscow. Quality issues in these cases are considered to be minor. As a rule, the longer the firm in the market, the more qualitative product or service it offers, but there are exceptions that course, should take into account.
Market building materials in Moscow, volatile and demanding, which in turn all forces to be responsive to changing demands and requirements, clearly traced conjuncture of the segment. Moscow residents had high demands and the degree of exclusivity, which should really be aware and comply with these requests. Original, new, exclusive, so that demand.
And finally, a huge number of foreign suppliers. Large market of construction materials in Moscow attract their attention and difficulty in the competitive struggle with them sometimes caused not so much the quality of products, many gorgeous and richly supplied advertising.
Material for this article provided

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color combinations in the apartment

In decorating the apartment, in addressing the artistic look of every thing, in bringing the various pieces of furniture into one harmonious whole, a significant the role played by color. Color combinations have a high emotional expressiveness and render a person a certain psycho-physiological effects. Different colors and color combinations is perceived by man, causing a variety of associations, feelings: can create resilient mood or annoy, to raise or reduce performance. Color can affect our sense of space, its visual perception. Thing same room, depending on one or another color may appear larger or smaller, higher or lower, longer or shorter, lighter or darker.
Cleverly using the properties of color, choosing the right colors, you can make your home truly beautiful. But how to choose from an abundance of colors and paints the ones that will help create an artistic whole and harmonious combinations of color walls, furniture, upholstery and furnishing fabrics, carpets?
combination colors can be very long, but they may not always be beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Let us consider the following four most commonly used: single color combination simple combination of complementary colors, complex combination of complementary colors, and finally, the combination of three colors.
combination of colors is connected darker and lighter shades of the same color, for example, green. But to pick up all the furniture, upholstery fabrics, carpet - all the same color almost impossible, and the room in this case will look dull.
In a simple combination of complementary colors combine two complementary colors, for example, red, green, blue and orange, purple and yellow. This is a very common combination: it is often used in tissues with a pattern in colors of carpet tracks, etc. If necessary, soften the contrast, adding to a combination of a third, neutral color, such as gray.
In a complex combination of complementary colors one of them take two or more colors, such as the blue band is not a pure orange, and with orange-red, and orange-yellow, or, conversely, orange connect with blue-green, and blue-violet.
combination of three different colors is very interesting, but the most difficult. All three colors can not be taken in equal quantities, One of them should prevail (walls or upholstery), and two others - to be as a complement (carpet, curtains and upholstery chairs)
Each color gamut with all its shades has its own character, creates a certain impression. Red - a warm, cheerful color for the red color of a wide variety of shades: from light pink to dark burgundy. Bright shades of pink color in harmony with many light tones such as pale green, greenish-blue, pale yellow, as well as dark red of the same hue.
Orange is also among the warmest. It has many beautiful shades: from pale brown to a warm, beige, peach and coral.
yellow with all its shades from cream to brown - best of all warm colors for interior rooms. Especially favorable light yellow color to paint the walls in the low-lit rooms, where little sun, or in areas where it is often overcast, as pale yellow walls give the impression of sunlight, even on an overcast day. It is best to take the wall light shades of yellow: creamy, lemon-yellow, pale golden. Go to the yellow walls suitable upholstery and curtains of red, green, blue and brown colors.
blue and blue are cold. They seem to be removed from our subjects, creating an impression of spaciousness and tranquility. Their shades are successfully combined with a variety of colors. Painted in a pale blue color better than sunny room.
Green creates a feeling of tranquility. It features a large variety of shades that combine well with almost all the flowers and create a good backdrop for other colors. Room, whose walls are painted in pale green, it seems more spacious. Suitable for wallpaper and greenish-gray shades. Especially good green color in combination with wood natural color. Yellowish-green hues combined worse with other colors and use them should be cautious.
Violet looks cool in the blue shades and a warm reddish. Dark purple tones look magnificent, ornate, but darkly; but light colors purple, violet-pink create a calm atmosphere. Bluish purple hue blends well
with green, gray or cream. By itself, purple, especially the dark, is not suitable for painting walls and trim, although well as adding a variety of combinations for interior design.
choosing different combinations of colors, do not forget about the colors neutral and above all the white. It can be successfully used for painting the walls. The white walls are very nicely stands wood furniture - polished and dark oak, white color blends well with any color, provides a perfect backdrop.
Black should be consumed in limited quantities and only in order to shade the bright colors. To to soften the contrast, black can be replaced with dark gray or dark brown.
Gray can be very different. Darker shades look gloomy, but light gray is suitable for painting walls, as they are the perfect backdrop on which benefit the bright curtains, upholstery, prints and paintings. Gray is good in conjunction with light-green, cyan, magenta and bright red.
beige is also the perfect backdrop. It can combine with brown, dark-red, green. If the wallpaper or upholstery of beige necessarily need bright spots in the form of pillows, rugs, ceramic vases and flowers.
should be remembered that warm colors - red, orange, yellow - stand out, as if bringing the items, and cold - dark blue, light blue - on the contrary, alienated subjects and, moreover, strongly absorb light. Green and purple tones in an intermediate situation: some are warm, some - the cold. Bright hues of primary colors very sharp and should use them cautiously, moderating the addition of other colors in the combinations that we recommend in the beginning of this section.
Selection color range of conditions, you can start with any available you have things such as sofas, chairs, upholstered in a good cloth, you're not going to change, with a carpet or curtains. In any combination of colors One color should dominate, that is, this color will occupy the largest surface. The predominant color of the room, most often gives the color of the walls. Color upholstery, curtains, carpet will be secondary to the combination and will occupy a smaller area already. Finally, the third color will play a supportive role, linking the two main. Auxiliary, connecting the color subjects may be in the room cushions, vases.
to a plain combination of add bright colors well, decorating, and animating spot harmonizing colors that can take very little space. These spots may serve as chair upholstery, tablecloths, napkins.
First of all, remember that all the colors in the daylight look different than in the artificial, therefore, buying wallpaper, upholstery, do not forget to see how they look at the electric light. Check not only the colors, but its combination with other colors in the daylight and artificial light.
If you need to enter into a combination of colors of a bright tone, it is better to repeat 2 - 3 times in a few small items: pillows, vases for flowers - used in the form of small spots in the pattern of carpet and fabrics.
is not recommended to take some kind or some cool tones, even at high their diversity, it is imperative to set off another dominant color, dramatically different: warm, cold, and vice versa.
The same color has many shades - From the lightest to the darkest. But both light and dark shades of the same color can not use exactly the same for all parts room and any furnishings. Shade that is suitable for painting walls - will be too bright for carpet, bright, light tone, nice upholstery furniture or curtains, would look bad on the walls.
Each of us can be your favorite color. But this is not always possible to guide the selection of colors or a combination of colors: for example, whatever you liked purple or blue, you do not paint the walls in his room, if she goes to the north.
main attraction rooms are color or combination of harmonizing colors. Successful combination can be monotonous range of many shades of any color, but to pick it up quite difficult. Therefore it is better to choose the color of the walls bright colors, smooth plain wallpaper and upholstery, curtains to choose a more vibrant.
in the decoration of the apartment particularly great importance is the ratio of wall color and floor color and furniture, decorative and upholstery fabrics and carpets. This is the largest and most active Media color. Finding the correct color scheme the main components of the room is much easier to deal with questions about the color of all the other smaller household items: glassware, sculptures, vases, etc.
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Timely and competent repairs in the apartment Repair of apartments

each of you one way or another in time or another, of course faces the need for timely repairs in your home house or apartment. Competently and timely execution of repairs in the apartment determines grade the quality of our lives, as well as the condition of your home. If the repairs correctly and efficiently implemented, this gives you the opportunity to live in a comfortable, as well as a cozy house, where embodied the inner world of his master, and his personality, where you can feel calm, happy and confidence in the future.
Timely and competent apartment renovation is a complex process, which consists of many different interrelated activities, all these operations affect the final result that eventually turned out. With precise and correct choice of technology for work, selection and procurement of materials, as well as literacy sequence of work and interaction with the all professionals in the exact observance technological cycle, all these elements are very complex, in order to spend time and money and including power to eliminate errors and further endless modifications. Here you can rely on our own strength and flavor, but you can resort to using paper and an interior designer.
If you decide to do the repairs yourself, then you still can not do without the consultation of an experienced designer. You must first walk through the building markets and fairs, and in detail to ask the suppliers and sellers of construction material properties of the materials that interest you and to discuss professionals with strengths and weaknesses, including technologies conceived for those or other works.
The decision to carry out repairs to the designer designer needs to be properly approach to choosing a specialist in project design houses or apartments. In this case, the expert must be only practitioner. Here's an example that should be included in the design of the project:

- Obmerochny drawing
- Plan for the dismantling of barriers
- after the redevelopment plan and explication premises
- Mounting partition plan.
- Plan showing the location of furniture.
- Plan ceilings.
- Plan coverage
- Plan a binding coverage
- Plan layout lighting switches
- Plan anchor switches
- Plan electricians
- Plan binding electricians
- Layout of sanitary ware, radiators, heated towel rails.
- Floor plan indicating the type of flooring
- Plan underfloor
- Statement of finishing
- Statement of electro-installation and low-precision products
- Points visualization
- Visualization of the premises (10-15 species)
- Scan the walls with a tile layout, showing all dimensions and areas.
- All the necessary incisions sweep.

designer simply must be able to create highly artistic and images, as well as to represent clearly how they are implemented technologically in this or that idea. He must also know all the properties of materials used and their purpose and technological processes, not in detail, but at least in general terms. Specializes in the design project should offer the whole concept of the interior, it should not focus on individual elements of the interior.
your interior simply must be functional and aesthetic interior is its function, not vice versa. From a qualified design Houses Apartments is very important to obtain not only a thoughtful and complete interior design, but also attract a designer to work on throughout for construction and repair works. Material for this article provided: Web site