expect the cost of building materials
say straight away that calculate the exact cost building materials and their cost is extremely difficult, even a professional. It is therefore worth considering the experience of experts and after calculating the approximate cost to add another 15-20% in case of repair of old facilities and 25% if this new development. This will be the real price of your repair. But this does not mean that you do not need will carry out preliminary calculations.
If you do not want to go to construction companies, and intend to make repairs on their own, then you first must make a plan for your renovation project. To do this as accurately as possible to conduct measurements of the repair facilities. To your surprise Specialist may find many unexpected nuances to you and advise how to minimize waste (in some firms, this free service, in others it is somewhat hundred rubles).
To more accurately calculate the cost of building materials, refer to the professionals. Sometimes better to pay for advice, what then "Bite your elbows." The first thing to calculate the cost of "crude" materials, ie, those required for preparatory works.
Plasters, putty, primer, dry mixtures, adhesives (wallpaper, tile), wires, plumbing pipes and valves, nails, and others. Next
should start raschetuotdelognyh materials. These we attribute:
linoleum, parquet, flooring, carpet, skirting, suspended ceilings, decorative coating, decorative panels, wallpaper, doors, PVC windows, plumbing equipment, electric outlets, tiles, and other
To calculate the number of finishing materials like wallpaper, carpet, tile, linoleum need to very carefully measure the room to focus on niches, arches, near the window and naddvernye space. Buying materials, be sure to take with you your project plan, otherwise there is the risk of buying a lot of superfluous, and even worse lack of finishing materials.
When purchasing wallpaper or linoleum patterned necessarily inquire how the dock on the picture will depend on consumption. The same advice we can give and those who are going buy ceramic tiles with a large pattern. It is no secret that the plain materials will cost you less, but you can vary the premises borders.
Material for this article provided http://www.open-stroy.ru/
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