Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mandeville, Sailing Camp

"Countryside" tunic

Beginning knitting just because you like staining the skin. Conceived raglan, knitted first single image, when finished - Did not like it, disbanded. So I "played" four times, until finally, the fifth attempt did not work, what is now showing. Raglan top down, thread - VITA CORONA, 100% wool, Sectional dyeing, 200 m in 50 oz. It took almost 500 g remained a small ball of 50 grams, the spokes № 3,5. Types of bindings - face smooth, low branches, very tunics and neck with Bracket - garter. Why Rural? Conjures up thoughts of walking boots for rural landscapes:)

Specially made simple model, almost free, with sleeves 3 / 4, the buttons have stolen up by accident, from old stock, vintage, in general. Photo does not convey the full color of buttons, in fact, They are dark, and very well suited here.
Picture taken before washing, after washing tunic has long, string slightly fluffed. I like to ugliness. Thinking to stock the pantry still CORONu only other shades.
plans - sweater from Pehorskoy "nice." That is:) However, the color I would have another - wormwood. But this sweater to be worse looking.


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