Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Do You Use Parchment Paper For

Between business

Autumn mood. Want more days of sunshine, a light warm breeze. Instead - the cold, damp, early dusk. But this is no excuse for bad moods.
In cold autumn evenings pleasant to sit in a comfortable chair and knit all sorts of beautiful veshchichki. Finish puloverchik of pehorskoy "nice" Wormwood color. "The Body" is already connected, hoses are connected by half. Here's what happens:

And the little razvlekalochka - handkerchief. Knit from dug in the closet of yarn, like rayon, the color orange-red. Tying is simple - Shawl and the front surface of spokes № 3. Finish will be in the form of lush long hands, had long dreamed of something like that, simply and effectively at the same time.

But thoughts are already spinning around of stored "soft surprise", you do want something to surround the cold winter. I'll think:)


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