Friday, April 22, 2011

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Charges apartment in Feng Shui

Want to live in a house where even the walls help? And it is not difficult - make cleaning of the apartment on the rules of the teachings of Feng Shui. At first glance it might seem that is not an easy task, because the living space in most of our homes is limited to a relatively small square meters. But the domestic housing reality can be adapted to the Eastern principle of the proper distribution of energy. Here we go!

get rid of old and stale things

If you have not had general cleaning of the apartment, it's time to organize and get rid of old unwanted things that wander out of the closet in the closet on the balcony or in the farthest corner of a closet on the principle - and can be useful. Hardly, because if these things you needed, they would not have gathered dust ignominiously. Give them to those who needs them, or throw in the trash, if the functionality has long been lost. Freeing closets of unnecessary things, you embody a life of one of the principles feng shui apartment - the energy of life.

Letting more sunlight

in the room to let in more light. So, having started cleaning the apartment, Arm facilities for washing windows. If you are lucky with the weather and the sun will be pleased, the room was instantly filled with this natural energy, again according to feng shui apartment. If you do this before and wonder not often washed the windows, remember your feelings when a person falls off a ray of light. Pleasant? Here is a positive mood will all live in the house.

relatively general cleaning of the apartment there is a caveat. It is recommended to do on waning moon. In this case, revenge is not junk to the side door, as the risk to sweep away good luck, but towards the kitchen.

Once harvested according to Feng Shui Flat, delivered of trash and dust, one might say, began to breathe, you need to take care of yourself and wash away all that negative energy, which is absorbed during the harvest. It's time to take a shower.

Get rid of negative energy

time to begin the next phase of improvement on the Feng Shui of an apartment. On the waiting room clean energy - Fumigation. This can be done with candles, joss sticks or bundles of grass. Obligatory condition - move in the process of cleaning must from the threshold in a clockwise direction. Do not forget to stop at every corner, because there is going to the most negative energy.

To consolidate the results of energy apartment cleaning specialists in Feng Shui recommend the use of amulets and talismans.

Technical work on cleaning the apartment and its fumigation - the lightest to create a favorable energy according to feng shui in the apartment. Ahead of a more complex stage - its correct arrangement.

Highlight Energy Zone

Feng Shui apartment in a residential area there are a few areas - family, health, wealth, knowledge, career, fame, love. We must realize that at the moment prioritnee for you to activate the energy in the right direction.

If the family someone is learning - preferably while cleaning the apartment to work over an area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and highlight it separately. For example, put a rack of books. Add energy to the zone of Fame and encourage you to help improve outcomes apart awards, trophies and other visual evidence of your ability.

families follow the zone to shield against harmful interference from other objects. If the bed there are flowers, they should be removed. Feng shui apartment they take a sleeping energy. Undesirable when cleaning the apartment to arrange a bed and a laptop, TV or stereo system. They produce a negative energy, which can weigh on you.

If in the bedroom a lot of shelves, minimize their number. They interfere with quality of energy circulation. And if the shelves yet, and over the bed, dispose of them in the process of cleaning the apartment, outweigh away.

Hide the possible centers of trouble

Pursuing a tidying-up climb all that you stored on the shelves. According to Feng Shui Apartment is strictly forbidden to keep in prominent places pictures of dead people and left this world of pets, herbaria, dry flowers.

You minimize the risk of disputes and quarrels in your family by removing during cleaning apartments all piercing-cutting items, and plants with thorns. To avoid intrigue or store in the area of \u200b\u200blove creepers.

feng shui apartment does not welcome the use of furniture-transformers. This applies to the sofa-bed and folding chairs. But if the size of the apartment does not allow to establish a normal bed, sleeping space is recommended to close during sleep screen.

Learn to separate the energy bands

principle of separation of energy bands - one of the most important in the teachings of feng shui apartment. Therefore, if in the same room you are sleeping and working, it is desirable to separate the screen yourself running away from where you normally rest. Efficiency grows, and the result of labor improves.

The next step in cleaning the apartment kitchen. Even if its area is relatively small, it is necessary to try to isolate the plate from the car wash. The energy of the elements of fire should not located next to the element of water.

principle of separation should be and a bathroom with a toilet, if they are combined. Feng Shui Apartments toilet "flushes" energy and well-being of your apartment. Minimize this fact when cleaning the apartment, sharing bathroom fixtures screen. And to make room bathroom WC invisible, you can choose the "correct" door. This can be either identical in color with a tinge of the walls, or SLR.

Enjoy transfiguration after cleaning or repair of an apartment

As you can see, the problem arrangement feng shui - the apartment is quite feasible. It is necessary to exert some energy, and your apartment transformed. Her new energy situation will affect all residents the most favorable way. Improve mood and sleep, go up the hill and financial position.

Try to apply the teachings of Feng Shui. After all, soon be spring, and along with the awakening of nature for the better and change your life. We wish good luck!

Author: Alain Sysoeva


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